Always Choose Your Home Loan Product Wisely.
A fixed rate home loan may appeal to you for your mortgage. Essentially this means that for a certain period of time your repayments on the loan will always be the same. In other words the interest rate on your home loan will not vary. This has got to take a lot of worry out of things for you. You can choose to fix the loan period for between one and five years and no matter what happens your monthly repayments will not rise. This could be the home loan product for you. There are a few things to take into account though. No one can predict with certainty what the market is going to do. It is possible that interest rates will go up and your fixed rate home loan will save you a lot of money. It is also entirely possible that interest rates will go down and in real terms your fixed rate may have cost you money. It is good to have the peace of mind though.
If you are more of a risk taker then you might like to take a chance that could save you some money. A variable rate loan tracks the countrywide interest rate at all times. This could be a good thing for settlement if interest rates fall. The complexity is that even economy experts have problem predicting the interest rate future. With a variable loan there is always a probability that the interest rates may raise and if this happens your monthly payments will also go up. If you have any suppleness in your monthly costs this may be the loan for you.
Variable home loans, just to make things more complicated, come in two different types. A basic version that is pretty much a no frills bottom line, mortgage. Traditionally these are taken out by first home loan buyers who want to get into their first house as soon as possible. They often run at up to half a percent below the national interest rate.
The second type is called a standard variable rate. This is the most common form of home loan and it includes features that are useful such as a redraw facility and phone banking. This type allows you to make extra repayments without penalty which can be a very useful thing.
If all of this seems too perplexing without further explanation then you need to consult the experts. The people at Directmoney Home Loans would love to help you, it is, after all their job.
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