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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Save Money with Preparing More Meals at Home

By Paul J. Easton

Living with the stress of your big balances from your credit cards is simply annoying. Another thing you worry about now is that you are getting a little unhealthy and you don't have savings in case you get sick. You probably have been living the life with a deadly combination of overspending using your cards and eating unhealthily outside.

Eating in our favorite restaurants or fast foods most of the time is one of the most common causes of health problems in our modern times. When ordering your favorite meal at your fast foods, you are unaware of the contents of those foods like trans fats and added saturated oils. In the long run of eating these foods, you are getting yourself sicker and sicker everyday.

We have not yet discussed how these fast food stuffs actually make your wallet thinner every time. The answer to these problems is eating at home. Some people would say they don't know how to cook or they don't have the time to do all these things. If one will just skip the TV for a few hours, you will find more time preparing your food and making your life healthier. This does not even include yet the bonding time you can share while cooking or eating together.

By beginning to prepare more meals at home, you will require yourself of honing your cooking skills. This skill is very important for entertaining your guests during parties and is a necessity these times of crisis. Rather than eating out, you prepare your own food and actually monitor what you eat. So you can go back to losing some extra weight again.

The other advantage of preparing more meals at home is that it is cheaper. And you will finally use that cookware you have been keeping all this time because you just used it a few years back. By doing the grocery with a plan of the weekly meals to be prepared, you get yourself restrained with a budget you can stick with.

With only the electricity you will use in preparing for your food and the groceries, you will definitely save thousands of dollars in a year. Reserve the eating out sessions for some special occasions. And it will definitely make you healthier because you will make sure you are only serving the right food in your table. In hindsight, it will even save you from that hospital bills you expect. Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

For information on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

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True Confessions of an Identity Thief

By Linda Seamore

Want to protect your identity like the law officials do? You've come to the right place! You'll find out just how these identity theft criminals plot their scams.

There were nearly 12 million events of identity theft in the United States in 2006, according to the U.S. Postal Service; which cost consumers about $6.3 billion! Consumers certainly raised their awareness after hearing this dreadful statistic; however, there are still consumers who are unaware of the distinctive techniques these identity thieves use. One renowned identity theft revealed, in an extensive interview, the 4 common mistakes she used to take your money!

Mistake #1: All Identity Thieves are Men

This is a common misconception that our identity thief says makes her job so much easier. The problem is that most of the major media outlets portray identity thieves as men. The reality is that many of these criminals are well dressed attractive women. To avoid falling into a trap, watch your personal information with both men and women. Studies have shown that both men and women let their guards down around women more so than they do around men. Everyone is a potential identity thief. This does not mean you should be paranoid rather you should simply be very careful.

Myth #2: Placing Trust in Your Neighborhood Store Clerk or Restaurant Waiter

We understand this is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid, because we usually have to give our personal information at checkout or when the bill comes at the restaurant. Shockingly, some of the people who wait may have two jobs. During the day, they may work in the department store, and in the evening they take on a side job. This "side" job is sometimes a way to easily steal credit card numbers from their customers. It works like magic, because they have access to your credit card number in hand. If you really want to stay on top of this, you have to check your account statements. Keeping a journal of your expenses may be a good thing to help you monitor.

An example would be $50 this way when your statement comes in the mail, you will quickly notice any anomalies. Think about this. How long does a person have to work at a store or restaurant before theyd have access to hundreds of customers personal data? Hint: Not long at all. According to our identity thief, most people like her take these jobs for a few months and after they have your data, they take an early retirement."

Misconception # 3 Tossing Out That Junk Mail Unopened

Whether you have good credit, great credit or terrible credit, it really does not matter. You will receive in a given month between 12 and 50 plus new offers each month to open new banking, credit accounts. The problem with this is that most of us are lazy. We fall in one of two categories. The first is a person who does not own a personal shredding machine and simply tosses the multiple credit offers in the trash or simply tears them in half and then tosses them. The second is the person who does own a personal shredder but has become too lazy to shred each and every piece of documentation sent to them.

Please note that all these thieves have to do is get a hold of one item of your personal information from your trash can and you're now a victim! Don't believe us? Ask yourself, "What am I doing at 3 a.m.?" Then ask what our trusty identity thief is doing at 3 am. Unfortunately our neighborhood identity thief is going through your "junk" mail sifting and preparing to sort your information later. A nice suggestion: After you shred your personal documents, add a little bit of water to the trash and then seal and throw it away. Now your information has been shredded and even wet and soggy, leaving it completely unusable.

Mistake #4: Mailing or Receiving items from Your Home

Hopefully you're starting to understand the intensity of this issue. Identity thieves can commit crimes all sorts of ways. Your outgoing credit card payments now become their personal piggy bank. Experts say that some identity thieves are bold enough to fill out a change of address form in the victim's name, simply to gain complete access to financial and personal information. Here's a tip: Be sure to drop all outgoing mail at your local United States Postal Service mailbox. You may also think about opening a P.O. Box. Although it may seem like a hassle, you'll be less stressed than losing your life's savings; and these are the preventative steps to follow if you want to beat identity theft.

One of the main issues is that there are various ways to become a victim; you really do need 24 hour a day protection. Don't be afraid to get help!

Listen, very few people can successfully protect themselves and their families without help. The major problem is that you have been trying to do it alone and it is just NOT effective. How much difference would it make in your life if you had a proven guide who has been in the trenches? There are many companies like that provide identity theft solutions for people like you and me.

When finding an identity theft protection service provider, make certain it has been recommended by law officials, and that the service will actually work in a real-life situation.

Identity Theft Prevention and Identity Theft Protection are nothing to joke about. STOP Identity Theft with LifeLock. LifeLock guarantees identity theft will NEVER happen to you. Please visit to learn more about how to protect you and your loved ones from identity theft.

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How to deal with a bankruptcy?

By reklicom

Alternatives to Bankruptcy. Individual Voluntary Arrangements: An Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA is a formal agreement between the debtor and the County Court made to avoid a petition for bankruptcy. You can either set an amount to pay your creditors monthly and dutifully or pay them in full. To file for an IVA, you will need the help of an insolvency practitioner who will act as the middle man. It is usually costly to hire an insolvency practitioner. Asking them for an initial meeting where you can seek advice whether filing an IVA is appropriate in your case or not is best suited. This way, you can be sure that every cent you pay for is worth it. Names of local insolvency practitioners can be obtained through the court offices or the Official Receivers.

Bankruptcy alternatives are a good idea to consider, before you rush off to file for bankruptcy. If you look into some of these alternatives, at least you will know you tried your best to avoid bankruptcy. Having bankruptcy on your credit report for 10 years can be a long time.

How To Find A Bankruptcy Lawyer? If you have decided there is no alternative to filing bankrupty,you may be asking yourself, "how do I find a good bankruptcy lawyer? The best way to find a good bankruptcy lawyer is through referrals. Family members and friends who filed bankruptcy in the past can refer you to a good bankruptcy lawyer. The yellow pages in a phone book is another great place to find reputable bankruptcy lawyers. Another invaluable place to find a good bankruptcy lawyer and services in on the Internet. When you search for a lawyer, try to find a lawyer that deals with your type of bankruptcy. You can get free advice with the first meeting.

Is The Law Firms Bankruptcy Lawyer Experienced? Find out if your type of bankruptcy case is right for the law firms lawyer. Has the bankruptcy lawyer handled similar cases in the past? Take time to look over the alternatives to bankruptcy with your lawyer. There may be a way out of bankruptcy. A good bankruptcy lawyer can give you free advice on what chapter.

Before a petition of bankruptcy is filed in court, your creditor will first send you a "Statutory Demand", which will ask you to pay your debt either through installments or through the property you own.

Being issued a Bankruptcy Restriction Order means that you cannot avail of credit that is more than 500 without letting your lender know about your status. You also cannot hold any significant position like an MP, a local councilor, a director of a company, or an insolvency practitioner until after the order has been lifted.

Within twenty-one days, the creditor and debtor must reach an agreement otherwise, a bankruptcy order may be filed in court. If your debt is less than 750 or there is an ongoing dispute about the money you owed, you can apply to have the Statutory Demand set aside.

ADVICE - Statutory Demands: Once you receive a Statutory Demand, your next move should be to check if you can have it set aside.Do I have Assets? Once you are declared bankrupt, the Official Receiver or appointed trustee may rule out to sell all your assets to pay for your debt.

This is also known as your "Beneficial Interest". In certain circumstances, you can be considered to have a beneficial interest even when you are not named in the mortgage. In certain circumstances as well, your co-owners can make an offer to the Official Receiver to buy out your equity share so the house will remain intact.

REMEMBER - Beneficial Interest: If your co-owners have any intention of buying out your equity share of the property, they must do it quickly. Otherwise, the Official Receiver may take it into his hands in selling your home altogether. Those who want to buy your beneficial interest must get in touch with your Official Receiver and transact with him directly. The Insolvency Service charges very low for the transfer of your beneficial interest so this should not really be a hard thing to manage. You also need to reach an agreement with your Official Receiver on the actual value of your beneficial interest before this kind of transaction is made. If there is negative equity in the property, the value of your beneficial interest may go from a minimal amount of 1.00.

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Free Yourself from Debt Slavery with a Practical Household Budget

By Financial Solutions Online Center

With the economic times hitting so many households so hard it is time to find out how you will be able to manage in these difficult times. A household budget must be implemented in order to determine where you are overspending and can cut costs. This can help you begin to practice cost analysis methods before you go out and spend money.

A cost analysis is a method of determining the overall cost of a family event. For example, you want to take your three children to the movies and you want a real cost of the show. The show is 50 miles away, the kids must eat, you have to buy tickets, etc. You may find the overall cost to go to the movies after gas, food and tickets, is around $100 or more. This is not cost effective for your budget. Determining the cost of a movie is not only the tickets to get into the show. This is where many people go wrong with their budget and they cannot figure out where their money went. Take snacks, carpool, eat first, or just rent a movie on pay-per-view and stay at home. A cost of $5 is much better than $100.

A household budget will consist of everything you owe and everything you count on. The priority items on your budget include living expenses you cannot go without which include basic necessities like a roof over your head, electricity, water, food costs etc. Below these items then place all of your monthly bills that you owe underneath.

You also have to include all the items that constitute your net worth, all the money received in your household, etc.

This is where you face reality. It is very painful for some people, especially if there is a risk to lose their jobs and they have a lot of debt.

The good news is that a household budget can give you the peace of mind you need and an open door to financial freedom. Knowing how to set it up in a way that instead of giving you pain gives you freedom and money in your bank account is the key to succeed in your way out of debt slavery.

A household budget is vital if you want to make it in the economy today. Many people dont know the first thing about a budget and financing. You dont need to be an expert, but you need to know how to set it up, what items to include, and the tricks to make the process as painless as possible. With the right tools and information, setting up a household budget becomes very easy.

Copyright by Financial Solutions Online Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Enjoy Life on a Budget

By Paul J. Easton

Having a big balance with your credit cards is no fun. With the stress it brings with you, especially if you only have barely enough money to make it through from one payday to another. One of the secrets to leaving this cycle of hard work yet without any pay off is to get rid of debt. And learn also how to enjoy life on a budget. The thing is it is easier said than done, so how?

The one thing where overspending has direct relationship with is your behavior. By learning to modify your behavior with money, you will learn small things that can be changed to save some extra money. Of course, discipline and motivation are very much important. A support group like your family can definitely help along the way. By learning the proper behavior with money, you will tend to allot more money to your bills and later, if you have already paid off the debts, your savings account every month. Get debt-free today with tips on this blog about how to get rid of debt.

Simple tweaks in your daily routine can be hard but rewarding. These moves will make you aware of the cash flow and the importance of your every resource. Saving up can be very difficult but can be done. By merely making a distinction between the needs and the wants, you will start to prioritize and sacrifice some of your spending. With this, you also avoid certain things that only tempt you to use your credit card and accumulate again another series of debts to pay.

These activities are really counterproductive and can have cheaper but better options. Take for example your weekend strolling at the mall where you are only tempted try those chic shoes. You can entertain yourself instead with a more productive activity like starting a business with a hobby, which can be more satisfying.

Implement some cost-saving measures inside the house particularly inside the kitchen. Have a list of the food you need to prepare for the whole week. Buy groceries according to your plan. With a plan at hand, you will likely stick with your budget. With your daily purchases, buy them with cash and avoid the credit cards.

These are easy measures to save on your everyday expenses. By having the focus with your plan, you will surely enjoy yourself and most importantly save up some extra money at the end of the month. To know more information how you can enjoy life in a budget and how to get rid of debt, log on to by Paul J. Easton.

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Saving Up during a Recession

By Paul J. Easton

Saving up in this current crisis can be very hard. Jobs are lost and the common everyday expenses are getting higher in prices. And your savings account is drying up sooner than you think. Now, you truly need all the help you can get.

For you to save up money, whether to pay off your credit card debt or set aside some money for retirement, the first thing you need to manage is your spending habits. By distinguishing the things that you need from those you only want, you will begin to prioritize your spending. Strolling around the shopping mall and seeing all those new and trendy clothes or shoes, you are only tempting yourself from splurging in these doodads.

You can simply save thousands of dollars a year with a little effort from your part. Follow a few well-planned cost-saving measures to give direction to your personal financial management. Evaluate the current mortgage you have. Maybe you are paying a slightly higher interest rate compared to your credit rating. By asking your banker, you could perhaps refinance with a much better deal. Doing this is one way to save more money for the long term.

Skip the meals outside with restaurants and fast foods. Eat more at home where your family can bond and eat together. You will also be compelled to learn how to cook. The more you eat at home, the more money you save. Reserve the eating out for some special occasions. By doing this alternative, you can even go back to your weight loss diet and begin a healthy way of eating.

When shopping for groceries have a list prepared of all the things you need. This prevents you from exceeding your budget. Consider buying store brands of your favorite foods instead of the popular high-end brands. These are typically cheaper but taste the same. By sticking with a budget in your groceries, you will eventually save some extra money at the end of the month and this will finally boost your savings accounts. Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

If you adopt measures to save on your everyday expenses, you will certainly save up some extra money. This extra money can be used to pay off your credit card bills faster or increase your savings for emergency cases. It is really amazing how small changes can completely make significant differences with the way you handle your money. With that extra money, imagine how good to be finally debt-free. Surely, those small changes are very important after all.

For information on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

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Saving Up while Having Debt can Hurt You

By Paul J. Easton

Do you have both debts and savings? Chances are you are dangerously overspending your money and you are in a crucial situation. Why is it so? Read a little more.

You are spending more money when you save and acquire debt through your credit card at the same time. In simple terms, when you save money in your bank account, you are in fact lending your cash to the bank. Then with probably a credit card from the same bank, you are again borrowing money from your bank with a higher interest rate.

The big difference between the interest rate of your saving account and the rate they charge you with their credit cards is actually the bank's profit. It is simply ironic because you are actually borrowing money from a bank with which you have lent money with. And with their profit due to the difference mentioned, it is causing you to be in a very disadvantaged position because it always costs more to borrow than to earn from saving.

This is the reason why I laugh and feel sorry at the same time with this attitude of people. These people who have both borrowings and savings with the same bank are just working hard to become slaves of their own banks. In actual fact it is a ridiculous cycle of lending you back the money you lent them and with them having the profit.

The concept of having some extra cash in their savings account gives most people a sense of security. But with the situation of keeping the debt aside just to save up and accumulating the interest charges, that is having a negative gearing every time. This leads to ultimately drying your emergency cash fund in your savings without knowing it.

The best thing to do is pay off your credit card debts with your extra cash in your savings. Even if this includes your emergency fund, it is still the best move to do. The main caution though is not to cut up the cards this time when you used up the savings. It is imperative to keep the credit cards available for now in case there is an emergency. Until you amassed the necessary amount in your savings after paying off the credit cards, then you have the option to stop using the credit cards altogether.

The solution is very straightforward. Pay off the debts before you save any amount. It is a simple concept of breaking old rules which are probably marketed by banks themselves. At least, you break free from being their slaves after all. Get debt-free now with these tips on how to get rid of debt here.

Being in debt is no fun, especially if you find that you barely have enough money to make it from one payday to the next, with no money to put into savings left over at the end of the week. The secret to help you get rid of debt is to learn how to modify your behavior when it comes to spending money, allocating more money to your bills and your savings account each month.

For information on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

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Why Your Reverse Mortgage May Have Been Transferred in Process

By Matt Vanrock

You don't need to pick up the paper anymore or read the news to know that traditional forward mortgages are dramatically changed.

Those institutions offering forward or traditional mortgages have changed dramatically. If they are still in business without the help of government bailout money they are doing pretty well.

Up to this point those companies offering HECMs (reverse mortgages) have not seen any real issues.

Relative to the traditional mortgage counterpart the reverse mortgage has some very appealing traits for investors in mortgages.

The HECM is much less risky than the forward mortgage in that its structured to not accept interest payment until end of the mortgage. This greatly reduces the chance of default.

Mortgage companies lend money out of lines of credit known as warehouse lines. This is the problem. Some lenders fund reverse mortgage and traditional mortgage out of the same line.

The warehouse lines are not necessarily broken up between reverse and forward mortgages. All money comes from the same kitty.

So, what happens if the entire warehouse line is restricted based upon events in the forward mortgage market?

Of course the money made of available for the reverse mortgage gets severely limited. This is currently happening.

This is a bad deal for the bank as it temporarily loses that stream of income. And its bad for the consumer who may be in the process of getting the reverse only to be told mid stream that his deal must be sent to a new lender.

The consumer can take a hit in that it is taking much longer to close a loan being transferred to another lender. We are in an increasing interest rate environment contrary to what you're reading elsewhere. When rates go up mid stream the consumer can realize less money.

Time is of the essence for reverse mortgages more so than under normal market conditions. Increasing lender margins effectively limit borrowing power if the loan doesn't close before the rate increase.

This can have the net effect of hugely damaging plans to pay of a large medical bill or mortgage currently eating away what little income some of these folks have.

Word to the wise when getting a reverse mortgage, plan on a few bumps in the road and don't assume anything.

Purchasing a Jacksonville Condominiums

By A. Kim

There are many available condos in South of Jacksonville Florida such as Point Meadows, Wolfcreek, Overlook, Stonebridge, and Campfield. The building boom of early 2000's have created over supply of Jacksonville condominiums. If your in the market for hands free living these might just be the perfect answer for you needs.

The size of these condos range anywhere from 1,050 to 1,500 square feet which is a good living space. Demands were so strong in the speculative days of condos that many apartments were converted into condominiums, which left many inventories of condos unsold.

The prices of Jacksonville condominiums have declined in recent years and the average selling prices can go from $125,000 to $300,000, very affordable compare to the height of the building boom. Many developers are offering large incentives and upgrades to buyers to move these inventories.

But one of the markets that are holding up better than rest of the housing market is the luxury condo market. Some luxurious condos have come to market in downtown Jacksonville. For someone willing to pay for luxury, Berkman Plaza Two, Peninsula, The St. Johns, and the Shipyard are good option for investment as well as luxurious Jacksonville condominiums living. The downtown location makes it ideal for those working in downtown, it cuts down on commuting time. In building amenities such as shopping, cleaners, restaurants, and security is other benefits.

Lots of water sports and many outdoor activities are available in close proximity. Museums like the Museum of Contemporary Art in Jacksonville is a great afternoon activity for you and your family.

Just hang out with your family in the park or waterfront enjoying the nice weather that Florida offers. Before the housing market rebound, check out the condos in Jacksonville.

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Credit Counseling Explained

By William Blake

It is not unusual for a person to be shouldering much more debt then he actually can handle. Most people have a sizeable amount of debt that they deal with each month and for some it eventually gets out of hand and impossible to maintain. For those people credit counseling can offer some assistance. What can a credit counselor do for you?

A credit counselor has multiple roles. First they will analyze your situation to see what can be done to help you recover from the debt you are in. After their analysis they will create repayment strategy. In addition, they will help you learn how to avoid future financial problems.

Your credit counselor is interested in helping you get back on your feet financially. They work for you. However, one of their goals is to get your creditors paid as much of the money owed to them that they possibly can. With both objectives in mind and after reviewing your situation they can develop a budget for you.

When setting up a budget for you they take into consideration your other living expenses and calculate how much you can afford to pay each month to your creditors.

These counselors have established a rapport with many creditors and know what they will and will not accept concerning payment arrangements. As much as fifty percent or more of your outstanding debt could be forgiven.

If your counselor is certified this means that he has a financial background and keeps up his certification through continuing education and training. This is all to your benefit. You have someone working for you who has experience in knowledge in the field and can pass that on to you.

Once they get you back on track they give you detailed instruction on how to stay there. One important aspect of that is being well informed about your credit report and your credit scores. They instruct you on how to keep up with your credit report and review your scores regularly. They also help you readjust your attitude toward spending money so that you can avoid repeating the same financial mistakes down the road.

With the information and tools given to you by you credit counselor you can begin to rebuild your credit right away. They will give you all the instruction you need to turn your credit around.

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Own a Business? You Should Use an Advanta Business Credit Card

By Caressa Waechter

Credit cards come from many different financial institutions, offering different incentives to get you to use them. There are credit cards that provide you the opportunity to accrue points as you spend with the card, and some credit cards give you special perks, which include discounts to stores and restaurants, or let you in special events. There seems to be a credit card that will satisfy the needs of most people.

A credit card designed with the entrepreneur in mind is what you should be using as a small business owner. You need a card that benefits a business owner, not one that is tailored towards the consumer market. Even though there is not as large a selection as there is for the consumer, you can still find a good selection of business credit cards.

As far as a small business credit card, they are available from many of the largest banks. Many of the small business credit cards have features that allow you to track spending, get additional cards for employees, and adjust the credit limit for additional cards. These features give a lot of control to you, the business owner.

It is important to go with a credit card issuer that comprehends the needs of the small business owner. An example of such a company is Advanta with their Advanta credit card. Advanta specialized in dealing with the small business owner, which means they are one of the best when it comes to serving the entrepreneur.

All that Advanta does is issue small business credit cards. Since they focus solely on the entrepreneur, their products are tailored very specifically to meet the needs of business.

We have been Advanta card holders for many years, and are extremely happy with their business credit card. We highly recommend that any entrepreneur take a look at this product, if you need a business credit card.

If you are in the market for a new business credit card, make sure you pick a financial institution that caters to business owners. By choosing the best credit card for your situation, you are making sure you have access to the best tools that are designed for entrepreneurs.

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Tips to Consider when buying a property

By Joaquin Costa

We all want to buy a house, but it is not always easy, that's why this article can provide you with some good tips to keep in mind.

If you're taking the next step in life and purchasing a home, chances are that you're feeling the pressure and the anxiety that continues with this difficult decision. Those who buy homes are very anxious, eager to get any information they can about realty. Before you buy a home, it always helps to learn all that you can.

The first thing youll need to do when buying a home is to ascertain just how much you are able to qualify for or afford to borrow. You should also come through a point to check your credit and know where you stand. If you've any problems, you should strive to correct them for you attempt to borrow money for a home. The higher credit rating you've, the lower your rates of interest will be.

If you are able to, you should always attempt to get pre approved by a mortgage broker or lender, as this will show your commitment to the mortgage. Also make sure to anticipate any payment or prepayment options that can help you take a few years away from your mortgage. Once you've been pre approved for a mortgage and know where you stand with your monthly payments, you are able to start shopping for property.

When you shop for a home, you should only buy real property that is perfect for you. Before you start looking, you should always make a list of everything you want your home to have, based on what you want and what you actually need. You should also be sure that you mark off any areas that you are willing to bear on a compromise on, in case you've to.

To assist you with finding the perfect home, you should enlist the services of a reputable real estate broker. When you meet with your agent, you will go over how much you are willing to spend, and what type of home you're searching. Youre agent will know where ideal properties are, and help you find the home that is best for you. Agents usually use mortgage calculators and real estate software to produce the most accurate information you need to consider at the moment of purchasing a property. This type of solutions, like real estate appraisal software are key solutions to have in your arsenal while trying to find the best house in the market for you.

Your agent will supply you with a list of potential properties that meet your budget and your features. Once you get the list, you should drive by the homes and check into both the home and the neighborhood. You should consider the appearance and location of the home, safety, access to the freeway, schools nearby, commute time to work, local shopping, and even recreational activities.

If you dont find something that interests you the first time, you should keep looking until you find the home that is best for you. Your agent can help with tours of homes and such, even tell you information about neighborhoods that you arent acquainted with. If you've chosen a good real estate broker, he will care about helping you find a home and go out of his way to ensure that you get exactly what you want.

To get the most from buying a home, you should always hire a estate agent that you are able to trust. Your agent will go a long way in helping you buy a home, from finding properties to giving you pointers and tips along the way. Good realtors will care about your satisfaction, and will do all that they can to help you find the home of your dreams. You will be able to always buy a home without a house agent, although it will take you longer and you wont get the help and other amenities that a real estate broker will bring to the table.

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Avoid Bad Credit through Debt Consolidation

By Dave Almentenk

If you find yourself in a debt situation that you are not sure how to get out of, there may be a possible debt consolidation loan in your future. These loans are dependent on the applicants credit, so it is a good idea to look into this option before there is a huge problem with your credit score. However, if you qualify, a debt consolidation loan can be very instrumental in solving problems many people have when your debt becomes too high, the rates increase, or you are having a hard time affording all of the payments.

There are several financial institutions that offer these types of helpful debt consolidation loans and doing research online will make choosing the right place for you much simpler. You will need to make sure whoever you choose has a foundation of ethical business practices and also that they have been around for enough time to have established a solid reputation. There have been many cases of disreputable companies taking advantage of clients and ruining the credit of consumers who were either already in trouble or trying to keep a situation from going very badly.

It is probably a good idea to try and find companies that will provide many services for free that other companies charge a fee for. There are ways to get your credit report for free, or to apply for the loan for free, so paying for these services will be a waste of money. There are many good, reputable companies that are willing to help without first charging a fee.

The federal government of the United States is currently in a state of flux in regards to its loaning policies. Things in the last few years in the mortgage and credit card industries have been terribly unregulated, and many people have been allowed to take loans that they really did not qualify for. Recently, many changes have taken place and regulations for filing for bankruptcy have become more stringent and getting a debt consolidation loan has become considerably more difficult.

Taking care of your credit is one of the most important components in maintaining good financial health and keeping your debts to a maintainable level is very important. Debt consolidation loans do exactly what they say, they bring all of your debt together in one lump sum under one rate, and you pay one loan instead of 3 or 5 credit card or loan payments.

If you find that you are in more debt than you can afford, have the need to consolidate your debts and a credit score that gives you the ability to apply and receive a loan chances are you will benefit greatly from the debt consolidation loan you get.

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Buying a Indianapolis Condominiums

By J. Kim

With over two million people living in Indianapolis, the jobs and living options are plentiful. Indianapolis is the 14th largest city in the US and is the capital of Indianapolis. Indianapolis Colts of NFL call Indianapolis home.

In current economic conditions, it makes sense to purchase a Indianapolis condominiums. If yo plan on relocating or moving to Indianapolis, this market condition makes purchasing one advantageous as the prices have declined over last year.

Looking for a home is not an easy task, it takes lots of research and patience to find the perfect on that fits your needs. One of the best way to research is online at many of the websites that list Indianapolis condominiums for sale, places like where you can find available real estate.

Due to recent economic crisis in the financial market, the current housing market has taken a beating, the market declined is largest in recent years. But the market should rebound by the end of 2009 and early 2010. So, you should be ahead of the rebound and purchase one before the market recovers from the recent lows.

Downtown Indianapolis is one of the areas you should be checking out, the market in downtown is very hot and will continue to pick up steam as the market recovers for Indianapolis condominiums. The life in downtown offers many luxurious living as well as nightlife and beautiful skyline of Indianapolis. You are in great location with IUPUI, Clarion Hospital and many museums and art galleries within short distance.

One of the advantages of owning a condo is the convenience factor, where all is taken care by the association for small fees. You can live without caring for the building or maintenance of the building that is why it makes for a great place to live for families and retirees.

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Invest in Las Vegas Condominiums

By R. Kim

There are many things to do in Las Vegas such as shopping, gambling, and other major entertainment. It is one of the most visited city in the United States as well as the world. The gambling industry has grown in pasted few decades and Las Vegas attracts newcomers seeking for fame and money.

For the last couple of years, Las Vegas has experienced tremendous growth in living spaces, especially Las Vegas condominiums. Condos have become very popular real estate class for second home owners or for those who visit Las Vegas many times a year for fun and good weather.

The once hot Las Vegas condo market has seen sharp decreases in the prices and the sales of Las Vegas condominiums. While some prices have declined as much as 40 to 45 percent in value from the highs of mid 2007, cash buyers have seen tremendous opportunities in this market.

Many foreclosure and short sales are happening in Las Vegas as owners sell Las Vegas condominiums because lack of equity. This has created tremendous buying opportunities for investors who were previously priced out of the market. One of the market that dried up is Condo-Hotels, which were very popular with visitors to Vegas. These were condos that were rented out like a hotel when the owners were not using the property.

With some Las Vegas condominiums that were priced at over million selling for less than $600,000, it is certainly a good market to be a buyer. With trouble in the economy, these prices will be here for short time while the country comes out of recession.

But some constructions are having some transaction occur, developments like MGM is still desired by many buyer, although foreclosure and short sales have the market prices down. With every downturn comes an opportunities, for those who have longer time mindset, this certainly is good time to buy before the market rebounds.

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Austin, TX Owner Financed Homes: What You Should Know

By Laeverneus Homebuysky

If you want to purchase your own home but do not have the deposit or meet other criteria to obtain a mortgage from a traditional lender, an owner-financed home in Austin may be a solution to your dilemma. Rather than continuing to pay rent to a landlord who benefits from property ownership, you can build wealth yourself. Every home payment you make brings you one step closer to owning your own home outright.

With Austin area owner finance homes, you can borrow all or part of the purchase price of a home from the seller. For example, if you are close to qualifying for a traditional home loan but just need funds for the deposit, the current owner of the property that you are interested in purchasing can finance that part of the sale price. If you need to finance the entire purchase price of an owner finance home, this can often be arranged depending on the terms offered by the owner.

If you've been looking for an owner finance home in Austin, TX by perusing real estate listings and ads, chances are you haven't seen too many owner financed homes for sale. Don't get discouraged " they are available " you just need to know where to look, and how to approach a seller about an owner finance option. Though a particular seller might not advertise owner financing, if a home has been on the market for a while and the seller does not want to budge on the price, then they might be willing to consider owner financing. Of course, this depends on whether the current Austin owner is in a good financial position to take on an owner finance contract, but you'll never know unless you make a proposal.

You can also find owner financed homes in Austin on websites dedicated to this market. Though the requirements are not as strict as conventional lending standards, you must be able to demonstrate to the homeowner that you are able to make the required payments on the property. Because owner financing carries more risk for a lender, payments might be higher than you would otherwise pay with a traditional mortgage. But, if you can afford the payments, you can own a home when you wouldn't otherwise be able to do so. After you've built a solid payment history and some equity in your home, chances are you'll be able to refinance with a traditional lender to lock in a lower interest rate and monthly payment.

One of the most important things to do if you are considering buying an Austin, TX owner finance home is to hire an attorney to go over the contract and any other pertinent paperwork. You need to clearly understand what you are agreeing to, and you will want to make sure there aren't any stiff pre-payment penalties that would prevent you from refinancing down the road. Understanding your rights and obligations is very important before signing a contract.

Austin area owner financed homes are a popular way for owners to sell their properties at prices they want and do so quickly. However, buyers need to beware that sellers are not doing them a favor. Buyers need to be very careful before agreeing to purchase using seller finance. You should obtain a building inspection report and have the property professionally surveyed.

In some cases, overeager buyers are quick to jump the gun and enter into an owner finance contract without really thinking it through. Make sure you're not buying someone else's problem home or being taken advantage of with a predatory lending contract. Doing your due diligence is important " resist the temptation to jump in with both feet without good research and planning.

With careful planning and research, an owner financed home in Austin, TX can create a path to homeownership when other avenues are not available. If you have a long term plan for your success in buying an owner finance home, you can switch to a traditional mortgage later on when circumstances allow.

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When Times Are Tough Restructuring Your Debt May Pay Off

By John Brennan

People are being hit hard by our current economic situation, some of course more than others. Borrowing money just to hang on isn't the right thing to do although some have little choice. It's not easy planning ways to reduce your debt when you're barely hanging on to begin with. Still, while you can't ever get out of debt by borrowing more you can stabilize your situation by borrowing wisely.

When we borrow money it's often just the amount borrowed and the amount of the monthly payments we think about. The interest being charged needs to be considered as well, especially in long term loans or high interest loans. You can end up paying a substantial amount of money just on interest payments if you're not careful. Even the so-called no interest loans can carry significant penalties if not paid off in time. These penalties can come in the form of extremely large interest rates applied to the balance due.

So we continue to use easy credit as our means of getting by as if we could continue doing that forever, eventually getting by more and more by making minimum payments. All of a sudden we have a ton of debt and are trying unsuccessfully to pay for things we purchased long ago. This is where debt consolidation can be the answer to a seemingly unsolvable problem.

Debt consolidation loans are of course a form of borrowing but the difference here is, if done correctly, you borrow no more than you already owe and you pay a lower rate of interest and make lower, possibly much lower, monthly payments. So you haven't gone any deeper into debt and find yourself in a little better position financially than you were before.

There are other approaches you can try. Either on your own or with help of a responsible third party you can seek to have loan terms revised, with lower interest rates and lower monthly payments being the things usually pursued. You'll normally owe the same amount but will get payment terms which are more in your favor. If you are successful in doing this you need to make sure that you are applying discipline to your money management habits. If you default you probably won't get a second chance.

The consolidation loan most widely used is probably the home equity loan. On the plus side you can usually get a lower interest rate with a lower total monthly payment and have only one loan to make payments on. On the negative side the available equity in your home will be reduced (which can at times cause huge problems) and your home becomes the collateral for the loan.

Just be aware that if you're putting your home up for collateral it's imperative that you make your payments or foreclosure may be in your future. Losing your car is one thing, losing your home is something else. As enticing as a home equity loan may seem, and they are actively promoted, make certain you'll be able to handle the payments. Above all, don't start borrowing all over again. It's time to start cutting up the plastic

Whatever you do it's imperative that you structure your household budget to be able to pay off the loan and change your spending habits by avoiding the habit of using credit to pay your way. If you don't do these things you'll soon be back from where you started only worse off. If you to change your habits you have a much better chance of getting through these hard times unscathed.

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What Are Prepaid Credit Cards?

By Steven J. Talrechi

Money; specifically credit is something many of us are uncomfortable talking about. It can be tough getting approval for a credit card, especially if you have had some credit problems in the past or worse yet, if you have no credit history. No matter the reason, it can be distressing to be rejected for a credit card. You can work towards building a credit history while having all of the benefits offered by a credit card by using a prepaid credit card.

How does a prepaid credit card work? A prepaid credit card is an account which can be refilled and uses a card which is accepted anywhere that a traditional credit card would be accepted. You need to deposit money in this account before you will be able to make purchases using this card. Just like any other charge card, there is a limit to your spending; in the case of a prepaid credit card, this limit is dependent on the amount you have deposited in the account.

There are a number of benefits to having a prepaid credit card. You'll have the same freedom that you would with any credit card. Your prepaid card can be used anywhere that credit cards of any kind are accepted.

Prepaid credit cards are also a great way to keep a handle on your spending habits. Since you can only buy what you have already deposited enough to afford, you are keeping yourself from overspending and getting into credit card debt. A prepaid credit card is also a good learning tool which can show you how to manage your finances.

You are also largely insulated from identity theft when using a prepaid credit card. Whether you are buying in person, online or over the phone, you can rest assured that even if someone gets a hold of your credit card number, your other accounts are perfectly safe; they can't run up huge bills on your prepaid credit card.

So how to you set up a prepaid credit card. Well you will incur a fee to set up your credit account. Typically it is quite small. Anywhere from $5-$10. Additionally, there are usually fees that accompany any deposit that you are making into your account. Though there are some slight fees for those who have been struggling with their credit or merely want to keep a tight handle on their spending it really might be a viable solution for you.

Ours is a credit driven economy ? you need a credit card to do just about anything. It's hard to do even function without one. However, if you have bad credit, are trying to build a credit history for yourself or just want to keep your spending to a limit, then you might find that a prepaid credit card is perfect for you.

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Credit Cards And The Stark Realities

By Eric Jilson

Growing credit card debt is a very real problem in the United States today. For the average person this debt grows larger and larger every single day. This situation creates problems not only in the credit card world, but in other areas as well.

US credit debt effects not only the consumer in their pocket book, but also in mortgages, bankruptcies, home and business foreclosures, automobile and student loans. As credit card debt in the United States continues to soar out of control, more and more people are seeking the services of credit counseling agencies and consolidation loans, to fend off the high interest fees and drowning in credit card debt.

More Americans than ever are taking drastic steps to get back on their feet financially. If you do not think the debt is that bad, you need to reexamine the information and statistics. The average person carries a monthly balance of around $1000.00. Of this amount, by making only the minimum monthly payments, it would take 22 years and more money in interest to pay off this debt.

The household average in the US is around $8500.00, and this is just the average on one credit card. Since the 90's this amount has tripled in size. The average credit card holder in the US, pays over $1200 a year just in interest fees alone. This money could easily cover your rent or mortgage payment for a single month, have you really looked at this information realistically? What happens if you ever have to worry about job security?

Have you thought about how you will pay your bills then? The average interest rates for credit cards in the US is around 18.9%, and it keeps on escalating. Some credit cards have introductory rates as high as 23%, and for those people with bad credit this rate can climb to an unbelievable 30%.

Many people would never tell their friends or family how much money they owe on their credit cards, nor would they tell them if they were 30 days past due on making their payments or facing possible collection action.

This is a very real problem and it has a flow down effect on such businesses as real estate, auto, banking, consumer loans, and stock market. Effects of bad credit do not only involve the consumers, but it causes many economic problems as well.

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Philadelphia Condominiums

By J. Kim

Condominiums are highly desired by todays home buyers. They have declined in values from the highs of mid 2007 and offer tremendous value to those who are seeking to buy a home. With the recent recession in the US, even luxurious Philadelphia condominiums have become affordable as well as middle class condos.

With customization and many amenities such as pools, spas, fitness center, and parking garage, condos offer single family or a retiree good living space. In Philadelphia, the modern urban living and many attractions such as shopping and dining makes Philadelphia condominiums more attractive bargains.

Philadelphia is home to rich American History, it is the birthplace of American Democracy, you can visit where the continental congress met in early days. It is also home to many famous American's like Benjamin Franklin. In last year or two, Philadelphia condominiums market has seen excess inventories, but the market continues to function as buyers and sellers are making deals and homes are changing hands.

Currently with the price drops in Philadelphia condominiums, developer are offering many incentives and upgrades or closing assistance to get the condos moving. In short the the market seems to be in for a tough ride, but in long term it looks pretty good, but still there are too many condos for too few buyers, which makes the buyer in drivers seat at current time. But this won't last as the downturn rebounds in coming year.

One of the areas like Rittenhouse Square and couple of blocks from it have seen there prices hold value even though rest of the region seems to be declining in price. Prices in other areas are down anywhere from 10 to 20 percent. With over supply, first time buyers should have a favorable conditions, $7,500 tax credits and low interest rates will also help new buyers.

But luxurious condos on the other hand is showing a tight market, where there is not enough to show to potential buyers. The market will soon pick up after the winter has past and sales will begin to pick up during the spring time, usually time when people begin to look for new housing or to move.

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Six Tips to Protect College Students from Identity Theft

By Daniel Z. Kane

You might think that identity thieves focus entirely on the wealthy, but the reality is that 34% of the victims of identity theft are college students. College students can be easy prey because they don't know how to protect themselves against identity theft, because so many records and documents include personal information about them, and because of the phenomenal amount of junk mail offers...especially from credit card companies...they receive.

Todd Davis, the CEO of LifeLock, the nation's first identity theft prevention service for consumers, offered us these tips for parents and college-bound students to help protect them from becoming victims of identity thieves.

1. Before going off to campus, students should purchase a shredder and use it to destroy anything they may throw away that contains personal information about tem; report cards, financial aid forms, housing information, class schedules, etc. A good rule for students: if you aren't going to keep it in a secure file, shred it!

2. Most students have at least one roommate. They and their roommate(s) frequently bring lots of people into their living areas. And, many others generally live in close proximity. Everyone wants to trust the people around us, but residing in an apartment or dormitory puts us among folks we don't really know. Therefore, it's smart to limit the information left out in the open or on a computer.

3. Students should request and review their credit reports each and every year. They can get one report a year at no cost, and identify any existing or potential credit-related problems they may have.

4. In the most recent three years, more than two hundred universities, colleges, school districts and student lending organizations have lost personal information on nearly 9 million students, faculty, and staff. Despite increases in institutional security, social security numbers and other critical identifiers are lost or stolen at a steady pace. Thus, it makes sense to take steps to make sure you have protected your identity in the event your information becomes vulnerable to identity thieves.

5. Get yourself taken off of all mailing lists, especially those offering credit cards and merchandise. It is incredibly easy for thieves to steal these mailings from your mailbox or your trash and fill them out so they get the credit cards and/or merchandise and you get the bills and the angry creditors. Of course, using a shredder will prevent theft from your trash and a lock on your mailbox will offer you some degree of security.

6. You can contact the major credit reporting services to initiate fraud alerts which means you will, at least in theory, be contacted before anyone is able to open a new account in your name. You must renew these alerts every 90 days, or you can hire a credit protection service to take care of it for you. Some such agencies will actually compensate you if anyone successfully steals your identity. One agency offers a guarantee of up to $1 million.

Taking a bit of time and exercising some caution to prevent identity theft is well worth the effort. Protect yourself by being cautious, aware, and alert.

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Credit Card Debt Settlement - Strapped Consumers Seek Relief

By Carina McMullen

Those who are deeply in debt with credit cards can utilize a credit card debt settlement service in order to remove the debt load from their credit. When done correctly by a professional service, this process can take less than 36 months, depending on the situation of those involved. With so many different types of credit card debt settlement services, it isn't hard to achieve the settlement that is required, providing that debtors understand all the facts and choose the proper debt relief strategy that works best for them and their specific situation. With so many individuals dealing with credit card debt throughout the country, it isn't hard to understand that this form of debt relief is a valuable method of avoiding bankruptcy that utilizes experienced professionals in order to work directly with credit card companies and reduce the credit card debt that anyone may owe.

Professional debt settlement companies can reduce credit card debt by a significant amount, making it much easier to get out of debt. They can also end all manner of harassing credit card company phone calls at work and at home in order to bring its customers peace of mind. In addition, credit card debt settlement negotiators will handle any types of communications with creditors in the future, making it easier for debtors to avoid the stress and difficulties involved. Naturally, credit card debt settlement is very attractive to those who are intent on avoiding bankruptcy.

Credit card debt settlement makes sense to anyone that is deeply in debt and may need help getting up-to-date on their payments. In some cases, the strategy will be to stop making credit card payments altogether and simply begin saving payments in a separate account that will be isolated from other funds. Once the savings have reached 40% to 60% of the overall credit card debt that a person owes, their credit card debt settlement service negotiator will very likely advise them to offer that amount for repayment of the entire loan. These types of strategies are certainly effective, but can cause some temporary reductions to one's credit score. Fortunately, the credit card debt settlement negotiator can get these types of black marks removed as well as part of the settlement in general.

One major draw for credit card debt settlement is its help in protecting credit card holders from going bankrupt. Bankruptcy has a devastatingly negative impact on a person's credit score, which is virtually impossible to recover from. Debt settlement only has a minor effect on a credit score, and it is quite possible to raise the score again. Credit card debt settlement gives credit card holders hope in this time of economic hardship, and makes it possible for anyone in debt to seek the help they need.

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Buying San Francisco Condominiums

By R. Kim

Median sales prices have fallen for San Francisco condominiums because of short sales and discounted foreclosures in recent month that were previously out of reach for many new condo buyers. The market has been in turmoil since end of 2007.

According to real estate information services, the bay area condos have fallen in price by as much as 6.7 percent to average sales price of $375,000 in late 2008. It is down almost 44.4 percent from November 2007 when the price was highest at $629,000. You can see why these condos are affordable now as before many were priced out of the market.

This is causing a frenzy among buyers of condominiums that were prices out of the market in the last few years. San Francisco condos are in location where many of the areas top restaurants, bars, and entertainments are in downtown. Downtown offers unique urban living with excitement of a big city. It is much better than renting an apartment, which was better options when the prices were high, but with decline of prices it is making it more affordable for those with cash.

San Francisco condominiums can have price range anywhere from $400,000 to over $1,000,000, where in recent years have seen new condo developments in areas like Sea Cliff, St Francis Wood, and Sunset.

Because of good weather all year around and many local places to visit like Lake Tahoe, it makes these condos more desirable and are good investments.

High rise San Francisco condominiums are bright side of the market in the area south of the Market, where luxurious condominiums abound. Even in this recession, selling a penthouses and luxury condominiums have been no problems to brokers, especially those in upper part of the building, where price continues to climb 15 to 20 percent. Less commute times are causing many executives to buy these condos.

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Buying a Minneapolis Condominiums

By K. Kim

The largest metropolitan area in the state of Minnesota is the greater Minneapolis St. Paul area and it has become popular place for new home owners. The hottest areas for Minneapolis condominiums are North Warehouse District, North Quadrant Region, and St. Paul's Lowertown, you can find many condo developments along the Mississippi river.

Many of these condos were conversion or factory and warehouse buildings that had stable foundation and solid structures for the conversion. Some of these Minneapolis condominiums can range from $400,000 in the lower end to over $1,800,000 for a luxury penthouse condos. There also number of high rise new developments and luxury condos with spectacular view of the skyline are available.

Even with the current down market, the Minneapolis condominiums market has likely seen bottoming of prices, the reason inventories of downtown Minneapolis condos that are under $400,000 is dwindling and very few new construction is happening in the market. Many experts are seeing price stability in North Loop and Mill District area where prices can be affordable at $300,000.

The average days on the market for Minneapolis condominiums to sell is around 108 days which is above 28 percent from last year. Available inventories for sale and inventories in downtown area has declined to about 30 percent, which bodes well for sellers.

The good news is that the average price have increased 6 percent. Although foreclosure rate about 35 percent in great Twin Cities real estate market, the Minneapolis condominiums have remained at about 8 percent far below national levels.

Good deals will be bringing back home buyers in the spring, make sure you wait for the right time and right condo to purchase. One thing for sure, the real estate market will rebounds from dismal 2008.

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