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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Starting a Credit Repair Business and Keeping Your Expenses Low

By William Blake

With any business the initial start up costs can be challenging. A credit repair business is not unique in this way. It can be expensive to get started and costly to maintain your credit repair business. Also, just like with other types of businesses, you may have to work hard for a while before you see any profits. Add to that the challenge of learning to provide a good credit repair service and you realize that you are faced with quite a task.

Watch Out for Scams

You have to be careful when buying the products needed to start your business. It will be frustrating and a waste of money if you invest in credit repair business software that you are expecting to help you get your business going and it ends up being worthless. If you make good decisions in the products you choose for starting your business you can avoid this frustration and you will see just how much your business can earn.

There is some credit repair software available free of charge. This may be an option for starting your businesses and keeping your expenses down. Many of the credit repair programs available for sale are being sold at a price that only makes their manufacturer happy. It may be better to see if free software will work for your business.

By trying to keep your initial investments down you allow yourself to gradually learn about credit repair as you build your business and you wont have a lot of out of pocket expenses.

Some credit repair services charge extremely high fees and prey on debtors desperate for a way to repair their credit. Some lawyers and other professionals also take advantage of people. If you want to start a good credit repair service you dont want to get caught up in that game.

The good news is that an average person can get into the credit repair business " as long as he or she has the required knowledge. To open up a free credit repair business can be very simple. When it comes to repairing credit scores there are two options available: one is to do it on your own while the other is to seek professional help.

Mycreditreport data generator 1.0 and Poor Mans Credit Repair Kit are two free credit repair business programs that you help you get your credit repair business started. There are others that are also available and you can find them by doing a little searching online. With programs like these you can easily get your business started without spending a lot of money.

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Home Buddies Economic Report Part 3 - Credit and Opportunities

By Cliff Pape

Over the past several weeks we have taken a bird's eye view of the US economy. In this post I will be addressing what we will likely see happening in mortgage and real estate markets in 2009. Finally, I will point out the unique opportunities that are available in this type of environment.

Mortgage Markets and Credit

At the end 2008, probably the biggest news is the determination of the Treasury and the Fed to try to push mortgage rate lower. Six hundred billion dollars of Fannie and Freddie mortgage-backed securities and unsecured debt are to be purchased by the Fed according to their November 25th announcement.

Whether the government will be able to accomplish it or not, the idea is to lower the cost and improve the investment of financing a property. The goal is to decrease debt costs to put potential investors or retail buyers with good credit back in the market to stabilize the economy.

Investors have always had the role of stabilizing property values after every bust and this cycle is no different. When investors and retail buyers begin to buy up property, values will start to recover which helps the banks' balance sheets. The good news for loan officers is that the cycle so far has been pretty predictable and we have long been anticipating a new refinance boom that usually comes after federal manipulation.

The Real Estate Markets

If housing permits continue to slow, it may be some time before the real estate market improves in the US. Keen an eye on a few things in Houston however. Some cities (including Houston) are still countering the global economic trend. However, even in Houston, permits are starting to slow which may lead to a retraction as we move into next year.

However, layoffs will be the big indicator leading into 2009. If we experience substantial job layoffs then the already fragile housing market could experience a deeper setback.

Investment Opportunities

The credit crisis has brought fear into markets whose economic fundamentals would not otherwise justify it. Therefore there may never be a better time to buy single family homes in Houston because the emotional fear does not match the fundamentals and prices have fallen below what they would otherwise warrant without the short-term, emotionally-driven fear.

In addition, with lending standards still remaining tight, many buyers are unable to credit-qualify to purchase a single family home. This is creating, and will continue to create, a great opportunity for savvy investors to pick up investment properties at undervalued prices.

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Tips On Getting Home Mortgages

By John Bear

Basically, mortgages are being used on real estate properties rather than other properties, so when you think of a mortgage loan, it is being taken out to buy the property, which has been used as collateral. In simple terms, home mortgages are then loans that you take in order to purchase a house, which is the security for the loan.

Getting a home mortgage enables a person to defer paying for the home purchased. Ideally, there are two parties in a home mortgage: the creditor, who gives the loan, and the debtor, who will take the mortgage. Other parties can include a legal advisor, a mortgage broker and a financial advisor.

The other different types of mortgages are refinance mortgages, second mortgages, and bad credit mortgage loans. Now, there are different ways of repaying mortgages and that includes capital and interest, interest-only, no capital or interest, interest and partial capital, and many more.

Another most important aspect in home mortgages is the mortgage rate, which is the rate of interest that is to be paid that goes with the capital. Based on the rate, home mortgages can also be categorized as either fixed-rate mortgages or adjustable-rate mortgages.

The type of mortgage that the borrower can take actually depends on the requirements and the borrower's situation. Other factors that could also influence the type of mortgage include the price range, how much can be borrowed, and the tax advantages of taking the mortgage.

Origination is the home mortgage process wherein it involves the following stages: submission of an application and documentation about the credit history and income, the underwriter checking the documents and credentials, and granting of the mortgage. For you to secure a home mortgage it is essential for you to have a good credit history. The creditor charges all fees that are included for the mortgage such as the entry and exit fees, administration fees, and lender's mortgage insurance.

Nowadays, with technology at its peak, getting a home mortgage is no longer a long and painful process. In fact, many of the lenders provide online websites so borrowers can just conveniently discuss about mortgage, submit applications and even compare different options. With just a click of the button, borrowers can get all kinds of payment information and tax advantages through the sites' home mortgage calculators.

The Internet is truly a wonderful source for getting a good mortgage dealer. Most sites even encourage borrowers like you to seek advice online or on the phone regarding home mortgages through the lenders' financial advisors. But of course, you have to ensure that the advisors have good credentials in order for you to trust them.

Straight Loans Useful in Debt Consolidation and Repayment

By Daniel Atolben

Debt consolidation loans were created solely as a means for putting all the debt together, or consolidating it, and lump sum loan is made instead of separate payments to individual creditors. Instead, the bank takes your debt total, and through many different types of loans, can, with the appropriate credit, aid in the immediate repayment of all creditors. The bank pays off the debts, and you pay the bank.

A very good reason to do this is when the interest rate on the loan is a fixed rate that is less than the typically higher rate charged by credit card companies and other creditors, especially if you have recently begun to pay your credit card bills later and later and the fees for such activity are beginning to mount.

A possible consideration for debt consolidation is a straight loan. This is equivalent to a home or car loan, but with no collateral. You are simply borrowing a set amount to pay a specific debt. Again, the rate should be noticeably lower than the interest rate being paid to the credit card companies. Not everyone who applies for a straight loan will qualify. There are serious guidelines to protect the bank from someone who may default on a loan that the bank has no way of recouping without your cooperation. Usually this type of loan is reserved for consumers with the highest credit rates.

Home equity loans are also valuable to a consumer interested in debt consolidation. If your home is worth more than the amount of the loan you are paying for it, the difference may be borrowed from the bank and used to pay creditors. These loans are restricted by the amount of equity in the home, and dependent upon good standing in the first mortgage. Often these loans are separate from the first home mortgage, and the rate may or may not be the same for each loan. As long as the interest rate is lower in the equity loan than the credit card rate, a home equity loan can be a good decision.

A total home refinance is also a possibility. If your home has been paid down considerably or increased in value quickly, and if the rates have gone down enough to justify the fees for refinancing, an whole new home mortgage may be established, with the extra debt added in to the value of the loan.

While escaping from a debt ridden situation can seem like a struggle, debt consolidation loans can be invaluable to a consumer who would like to reduce the number of payments that they make and interest that they pay per month. Consolidation loans stream line the payment process, no matter which method you choose.

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In Trouble with Your Mortgage Payments? There Is Help Available

By J. Ochs

Foreclosure rates are at an all-time high in the US right now. Stories of houses being abandoned by their owners and turned back over to the bank are all too common. The funny thing is that the banks don't even want the houses back, as they aren't in the real estate business; they're in the business of banking. This is an important fact to keep in mind if you happen to be in a place where you can't afford to pay for your mortgage anymore. Whether you're in financial distress in general, unable to keep up with your adjustable rate mortgage or some other bind, there ARE programs out there that will help you restructure your current loan and allow you to keep your house and get your loan back in order.

Loss Mitigation, Loan Modification and Home Loan workout programs are three options you have. Many companies offer one or all of the programs just mentioned, but before signing up with any company, check them out first! Make sure they are reputable. Financial relief is possible with a successful program offered by the right company.

Let's say you have a home worth $340,000 and you have a $400,000 mortgage at 8%. If the home is foreclosed on, the bank has two options: auction it off, or re-list it. Either option could spell financial disaster for the bank, as doing so could add on another $60,000 in losses.

If the bank takes the loss by re-listing or auctioning off the home, they're looking at a total loss of nearly $120,000. A modified mortgage loan of a 30 year fixed rate, and a lower interest rate of 5.25% would instead have the bank looking forward to almost $400,000 in interest payments over the life of the new loan. Talk about win/win!

It's best to work with an attorney to structure a loan modification, as their default rate is under 5%. Homeowners that go it on their own often default at least 50% of the time. Another perk is that banks prefer to work with attorneys.

The costs vary for this type of program but are usually fully refundable if the attorneys are not able to modify your home loan. The types of workout remedies that they are able to achieve are amazing. They range from interest rate reductions, lower monthly payments, extended payment terms, and loan principal reduction.

We'd be happy to give you some more information about our loan modification program, so give us a call! We can be reached at 1-888-282-1011. If you're in a financial bind or just need a way out of your adjustable rate mortgage, let us see what we can do to help you!

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Credit Repair After Bankruptcy

By Matt Douglas

If you have a bankruptcy on your credit report you probably feel like there is no way to escape a low score. However you can remove this listing and you can create a positive score for yourself.

Contrary to popular belief this mark can be removed from your report and without waiting 10 years. To remove this mark we suggest:

1. Dispute the listing with the bureaus directly.

This is done by sending a dispute letter to the bureau; you can do this yourself or hire a service to do it on your behalf. The bureau will then conduct an investigation into the listing. However bureaus do not check public records when they investigate a dispute, thus the listing will not be verified.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act says that a listing that in not verified must be removed from your report. Additionally this act says that you can dispute any item you feel is inaccurate on your report. It is a common concern about the legality of repairing your credit; you will never have any legal consequence for disputing a listing.

We suggest before you dispute the bankruptcy you double check to make sure any negative accounts are reported as "included in bankruptcy." This is because once the bankruptcy is removed from your report you will dispute each listing on the basis that it says "included in bankruptcy" yet there is no bankruptcy on your report. Additionally it is rumored that removing a bankruptcy is easier after 2 years have expired.

2. Once you have removed the initial mark, you can start disputing each negative item.

You will be able to challenge the mark on the basis that your report does not show a bankruptcy. Therefore each item should be deleted by the bureaus upon investigation.

3. We suggest you start building positive credit. This is most effective by opening a new revolving line of credit such as a credit card.

With on time payments you will build a positive payment history, this is heavily weighted when your score is calculated. It will also help if you keep your balance under 30% of your limit because this will help your utilization ratio. This means you will have better ratio of available credit to debt.

It may not be the most ethical move to dispute a mark you know is correct. However how ethical is it for a lender to charge you 30% interest rate, especially if you have kept you account in good standing for years. Unfortunately all it takes is one missed payment and you can face fees and interest rates, no matter how long you have been a model customer.

In sum you don't just have to live with bad credit. You can remove the items and you can do it today. You can create a high score for yourself by removing the bad items and building positive marks. This will save you; on interest rates, embarrassment from a low score, and give you the purchasing power you deserve.

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Forex Strategies - So Many Ways To Profit!

By Michael Alison

There are many Forex strategies out there. It's not likely they will tell you, but each trader has their own unique take on what to do and how they trade. Not everyone's technique and stile is the same but there are some common strategies out there.

One thing you can do is a Forex managed account. This will let people do the dirty work for you. You simply deposit your money into the account and a professional with make the bids for you. Since it is your money, you can withdrawal it at any time.

If you want to research the field, you can buy or rent books that will discuss the latest tips and tricks for "trend spotting" and how to read the charts and history. There is a lot of good information from the recently published books and magazines.

You can decide to automate your trades with an automated Forex robot. This will be a program that has a complex algorithm built into a program that will attempt to pick pairs and buy and sell them at optimal times. This usually is set up to have low yield returns, but will have a better chance for returns.

One other way to get some good strategies is to check Forex chat rooms or message boards. Talk to others who will be able to help you and give you some good tips and tricks. This is a good way for you to meet others of like interest.

You just need to research a little bit to find some quality strategies. You can find many resources to help you with your trading strategies. It just takes a little work and effort!

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