Guaranteed Payday Loans
If you are looking to take out an advance on your paycheck, first you'll need to decide on a lending source. Be aware that legislation on these loans varies from state to state in the USA. Some states have extremely relaxed legislation.
If you live in a state that allows this type of loan, you will be good to go. However, with this type of loan you will need to make sure to read the fine print. These loans are usually quite pricey. You will usually have to pay 10 to 15 percent of the loan amount in interest, and this is often over a two week period.
Since the finance charges can be pretty hefty, be sure to borrow only what you need and only what you will be able to pay back on your next payday. If you fail to pay back the loan by the due date, usually two weeks from the date the loan was issued, the interest will continue to compound leaving you with a debt that may be near impossible to pay back. You will definitely want to be wise when determining the amount of money to borrow.
Most lenders that provide this type of loan will withdraw your payment from your bank account automatically. However, some will leave this up to you because they want to be able to charge you more and more interest over time. The annual rate you would pay in interest on this type of loan is astronomical.
If a payday lender tries to cash a check that has insufficient funds, they will usually charge you extra fees and increased interest. To avoid these complications, you should make sure that you can pay back the full amount, on time.
If you decide to get this type of a loan, it should be fairly easy to find. There are payday loan stores on almost every corner these days. You can also find an online store that provides this type of loan without too much trouble. Be careful so that you can avoid paying too much interest and this loan may be quite useful.
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