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Monday, February 16, 2009

Save Energy In Your Home - Tips To Save Electricity And Money!

By Matthew S. Leverton

It's no secret that using a lot of electricity in your home is bad for the environment, AND for your bills! That's why in this article we will look into various ways how people can save energy in their own homes.

The biggest possible step in switching to less energy use and lower bills, is by using renewable energy sources. Here you can think of wind power, solar power, etc. These are all types of energy that are produced "green", so they are no burden on our environment. Apart from that, they can be an infinite source of free electricity for you!

The easiest form of renewable energy that you can use at home is DIY Solar Power. Nowadays it is cheap, safe and simple to install a solar power system in your home or garden, so if you are serious about the environment (and about your money too) this could be a very nice opportunity for you.

But if you don't want to switch to renewable energy, there are still other things you could do to use less non-renewable energy. We will show you a few points where you can help save the environment, and lower your bills as well:

1: Lamps: Did you know that CFL bulbs use a lot less electricity than conventional light bulbs? Of course they are a bit more expensive, but they pay back for the investment very quick! With CFL bulbs you would immediately start using less electricity, and therefore make a good contribution to the health of our planet.

2. Cars: If you own one or more cars, of course it is important to look at their mileage and maybe switch to a hybrid vehicle. Another way you can save energy in your car, is to make sure that the air conditioner is set to the lowest possible value that you are still comfortable with. Air conditioning is a sure way to spend a lot of energy fast.

3. Washing machine: First, when you buy a washing machine look closely at the energy labels. They will tell you if it is a energy saving or wasting machine. A good washing machine will pay back in lower energy bills! Also, try to only use a washer if you have a load of clothes to wash, not just one little dress.

4. Computer: There are lots of people (you maybe?) that leave their computer monitor switched on, even when they switch off the computer itself. Of course this is absolutely unnecessary. What's more easy then switching off your monitor when you don't use it? And you'd be surprised at the amount of electricity you can save when you remember to do this.

Well that concludes our article on reducing energy use and costs. We would just like to point out once more that if you REALLY want to save energy and cut back on your electricity bills, renewable energy is out there, and it's both doable and affordable. Look into it.

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