No Teletrack Payday Loans - What They Are
When you apply for a payday loan, one thing you may not realize is that your information may be analyzed by Teletrack. Teletrack is a company which provides data verification and fraud prevention services to payday lenders. By outsourcing this verification to a specialized company, the lender can further mitigate their risk and help assure they receive payment on their loans. Teletrack may verify employment data, tenant rental data, court records and several other pieces of information about an applicant. The specifics of this process are not entirely clear however.
Considering that many who apply for payday loans do not have shining credit histories, not all lenders use Teletrack. Some people may actually be able to take out multiple payday loans and pay them off on time, but the Teletrack system may mark these individuals as risky. Not every lender will put full faith in the Teletrack system and would like to provide loans to everyone who can pay them off on time. For individuals who are seeking multiple payday loans, finding a lender who offers no Teletrack payday loans can be beneficial.
More opportunistic online payday loan companies often will not send applicant data to Teletrack for analysis. Since most data needed to verify loan eligibility is collected in a standard application, a lender can use their own judgment in determining whether to provide a loan. Teletrack is a convenience, not a requirement. Often it will be the smaller online payday loan lenders who do not use Teletrack because accepting more sub-prime applications allows them to remain competitive with the larger lenders.
The process of applying for a no Teletrack payday loan online is the same as applying for a regular payday loan. Typically a site will have a one page form which in which you will fill the requisite information. The more information you provide, the better your chance of securing a loan. For example if the form asks for two references, you should try and list two.
It may be more difficult to get a payday loan with bad credit, but it is certainly possible. If you're having a hard time getting a payday loan online, you just need to find a lender who offers loans with no Teletrack. You will be hard pressed to find such a service in a traditional payday store, so your best option would be to find a lender online. It should not be too difficult to find a willing lender in the competitive online market. Search around and you should find one in no time!
Considering that many who apply for payday loans do not have shining credit histories, not all lenders use Teletrack. Some people may actually be able to take out multiple payday loans and pay them off on time, but the Teletrack system may mark these individuals as risky. Not every lender will put full faith in the Teletrack system and would like to provide loans to everyone who can pay them off on time. For individuals who are seeking multiple payday loans, finding a lender who offers no Teletrack payday loans can be beneficial.
More opportunistic online payday loan companies often will not send applicant data to Teletrack for analysis. Since most data needed to verify loan eligibility is collected in a standard application, a lender can use their own judgment in determining whether to provide a loan. Teletrack is a convenience, not a requirement. Often it will be the smaller online payday loan lenders who do not use Teletrack because accepting more sub-prime applications allows them to remain competitive with the larger lenders.
The process of applying for a no Teletrack payday loan online is the same as applying for a regular payday loan. Typically a site will have a one page form which in which you will fill the requisite information. The more information you provide, the better your chance of securing a loan. For example if the form asks for two references, you should try and list two.
It may be more difficult to get a payday loan with bad credit, but it is certainly possible. If you're having a hard time getting a payday loan online, you just need to find a lender who offers loans with no Teletrack. You will be hard pressed to find such a service in a traditional payday store, so your best option would be to find a lender online. It should not be too difficult to find a willing lender in the competitive online market. Search around and you should find one in no time!
About the Author:
With several years of experience in the personal finance industry, Chris Novaczek is an expert on the subject of online payday loans. If you would like to know more about no teletrack payday loans, stay tuned for more articles in this series.
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