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Friday, February 27, 2009

Manage Your Credit Card

By Amanda Somrekli

There are several other things you should watch for in fine print. One of the most onerous is that if you are reported as delinquent on any other account, with any creditor, this creditor can raise your APR, in what as known as "universal default."

You should also note whether "disputes on the account are subject to binding arbitration," which would mean that you have no legal recourse against the card issuer, who selects and pays the arbitrator.

Other onerous clauses include lumping balance transfer fees in with purchases, and charging interest on them as if they were purchases, and splitting APR between purchases and cash advances, and applying your payments only to the transactions with lower interest rates, thus charging you more over time.

You can also use the bad credit card application in order to get a unsecured credit cards which are given way without having to provide a bank deposit though cost of using such cards is little higher. An New Millennium Bank Secured Gold application too can prove to be an ideal solution for people that have an especially low credit score.

If you are up to eliminate your credit cards debt, but you still want to use a card and run an effective credit repair and credit rebuilding at the same time, then you should consider opening secured cards. Even if your credit score is poor you can always apply for a secured card, and try to keep the balance relatively low.

The best way to look at what each offer is giving you is to read the back of the offer and not just the front page that summarizes their incentives. The back summary will tell you the APR (Annual Percentage Rate), any annual fees required, fees for balance transfers, what kind of minimum monthly payment they require, and what their rewards or benefits are.

Remember, signing up for the credit cards are the easy part. There are so many companies out there just waiting to get more customers. The key is to find the one that fits your financial needs and you understand the terms of the agreement you are signing on to.

You will get 24-Hour Concierge Service with your card. In addition, you also receive priority pass with your credit account. The Priority Pass is the world's largest independent airport VIP lounge program, making it possible for you to access more than 500 airport lounges in over 90 countries worldwide.

The Black credit card is not for everyone. This card is designed for folks who are looking for a luxury offer that is not available to the mass public. The spending power of this card is designed for the elite few who can actually take advantage of it.

Try a student credit card: If you're attending college, try a student credit card. As long as you're attending college, you'll be eligible for this card. You won't need any credit nor will you need to show any credit history, etc. This is your best bet as a younger adult.

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