Credit Cards and Your Credit Rating
Today, more than ever, having good credit is essential in these tough economic times. Credit card companies are becoming more stringent on who to pre-approve for their credit cards and those who are able to handle a credit card responsibly are those most likely to be in good standing with these companies. Knowing how to use your credit card responsibly is important in having good credit.
Since credit cards are plastic and look nothing like money, it may be easy to spend it without thinking of the consequences of paying it later. Two essential responsibilities if learned can help in being responsible with credit cards. The first is to remember to pay all of your credit card bills ON TIME. There are now many ways to set up a set schedule that automatically pays for one's bills before the due date. Another important thing to remember is to not pass your credit card limit. However, in any case, your bill should not even be close to reaching its limit. The rule of thumb is to leave at least 20% of space between your charges and your credit card limit.
However, if you have had some trouble in the past and your credit isn't as good as you wished it were you may need some tips on how to improve your credit. Having bad credit isn't something that is set in stone and there is always a chance for you to boost it up. Here are some tips to avoid and improve bad credit stemming from bad credit card use.
One of the many reasons why most card holders are trapped in a credit card debt its because they have this overwhelming stack of credit card in their wallets. Whats with having so many credit cards when in fact it can only do you harm than good.
Having control of all of your credit cards which means to know when the bills are due and to be able to pay all them on time is a great way to start building your credit correctly. If it seems like you do not have control of your credit cards, it is best to pay off the ones with the least debt and then to cut up the plastic cards as to reduce the temptation on using that card again if not necessary. Do not cancel or close the account but rather just close the account in your mind. Keep only a few credit cards possibly a few with different issuers such as Visa, AmEx, and Mastercard in your wallet.
There is one thing that most credit card holders do not know about their fees. During peak parts of the year, such as holidays, credit card issuers raise their interest rates. This is something most people are not aware of but now that you are packed with this knowledge, you'll be better prepared during the holiday season and purchasing.
Finally, do not use your credit card when buying ordinary purchases like groceries. If you dont like to bring cash, you can use debit cards. Always remember that it is better to avoid than try to escape a bad credit card usage. So, think twice, when you try to swipe that card again.
Since credit cards are plastic and look nothing like money, it may be easy to spend it without thinking of the consequences of paying it later. Two essential responsibilities if learned can help in being responsible with credit cards. The first is to remember to pay all of your credit card bills ON TIME. There are now many ways to set up a set schedule that automatically pays for one's bills before the due date. Another important thing to remember is to not pass your credit card limit. However, in any case, your bill should not even be close to reaching its limit. The rule of thumb is to leave at least 20% of space between your charges and your credit card limit.
However, if you have had some trouble in the past and your credit isn't as good as you wished it were you may need some tips on how to improve your credit. Having bad credit isn't something that is set in stone and there is always a chance for you to boost it up. Here are some tips to avoid and improve bad credit stemming from bad credit card use.
One of the many reasons why most card holders are trapped in a credit card debt its because they have this overwhelming stack of credit card in their wallets. Whats with having so many credit cards when in fact it can only do you harm than good.
Having control of all of your credit cards which means to know when the bills are due and to be able to pay all them on time is a great way to start building your credit correctly. If it seems like you do not have control of your credit cards, it is best to pay off the ones with the least debt and then to cut up the plastic cards as to reduce the temptation on using that card again if not necessary. Do not cancel or close the account but rather just close the account in your mind. Keep only a few credit cards possibly a few with different issuers such as Visa, AmEx, and Mastercard in your wallet.
There is one thing that most credit card holders do not know about their fees. During peak parts of the year, such as holidays, credit card issuers raise their interest rates. This is something most people are not aware of but now that you are packed with this knowledge, you'll be better prepared during the holiday season and purchasing.
Finally, do not use your credit card when buying ordinary purchases like groceries. If you dont like to bring cash, you can use debit cards. Always remember that it is better to avoid than try to escape a bad credit card usage. So, think twice, when you try to swipe that card again.
About the Author:
What factors in getting good credit? Find out how you can improve your Credit Scorehere.
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