Bad Credit Lenders
There are times when a bad credit lender comes in handy. In hard times, they serve a useful purpose. And what's called "bad credit lending" can vary. Also, so do the standards for what truly is bad credit. Most of the time anybody with a credit score below 500 is thought to have bad credit. This is according to the Fair Isaac Credit Organization (FICO).
Credit Ranking Services: There are three big credit ranking services out there: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Each has its own formula for developing what's called a "FICO score." What's known is that scores from the three usually are within twelve or so points of each other, most of the time. Additionally, scores are generated using several different inputs.
Giving Loans to People With Bad Credit: There are many lenders out there who specialize in people who may have bad credit scores. Known, as "sub-prime lenders," they're able to many times give a loan when most traditional lenders can't or won't. But, their loans can cost more, in terms of interest. Still, people of high character but poor credit, for one reason or another, may need to use these lenders. This is especially true in tough times.
Varying Lending Rates: Because the risk to the lender is greater, the interest rates on these loans can be higher. Sometimes by a lot, as illustrated by loans that go right to the interest limits set by law. You should check around, though, to see if one of these sub-prime lenders will offer a better rate before signing any loans.
Watch Out for Predatory Lending: Bad credit lending as a practice definitely has its place at the financing table. After all, some truly good people get caught up in bad circumstances and have nowhere else to go. Be careful, that you don't get into problmatic predatory lending such as exorbitant late fees, huge down payments, suspicious or nonexistent "service charges," and the like.
Credit Ranking Services: There are three big credit ranking services out there: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Each has its own formula for developing what's called a "FICO score." What's known is that scores from the three usually are within twelve or so points of each other, most of the time. Additionally, scores are generated using several different inputs.
Giving Loans to People With Bad Credit: There are many lenders out there who specialize in people who may have bad credit scores. Known, as "sub-prime lenders," they're able to many times give a loan when most traditional lenders can't or won't. But, their loans can cost more, in terms of interest. Still, people of high character but poor credit, for one reason or another, may need to use these lenders. This is especially true in tough times.
Varying Lending Rates: Because the risk to the lender is greater, the interest rates on these loans can be higher. Sometimes by a lot, as illustrated by loans that go right to the interest limits set by law. You should check around, though, to see if one of these sub-prime lenders will offer a better rate before signing any loans.
Watch Out for Predatory Lending: Bad credit lending as a practice definitely has its place at the financing table. After all, some truly good people get caught up in bad circumstances and have nowhere else to go. Be careful, that you don't get into problmatic predatory lending such as exorbitant late fees, huge down payments, suspicious or nonexistent "service charges," and the like.
About the Author:
Need a loan but have a bad credit score? Perhaps you need Bad Credit Lender to help you out with some loans issues. Come to our website if you need more help:
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