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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

10 Questions to Ask Before You Remortgage

By Chad Copp

If you are thinking about remortgaging your house, you are probably wondering whether or not it's the right move for you. A lot of times, remortgaging is not necessary, and other times it's totally necessary if you want to save your house and not go broke in these tough financial times. After answering these ten questions, you are going to know whether or not remortgaging is right for you.

1. How does my credit look? Knowing whether or not your credit is good is going to tell you a lot about your future interest rate if you do decide to remortgage. When your credit has seen better days, you may want to work on that before working on remortgaging.

2. What is your current rate of interest on your mortgage? If you're only going to save a half a percent or even a percent, you might want to consider holding off on remortgaging. You want to make it worth your while, and you also want to make sure you get the best deal possible. By holding off a bit you can see if mortgage rates go down even further.

3. What are the banks currently offering for an interest rate? Check the current rate and figure out exactly how much money you would be able to save on your monthly bills before you remortgage.

4. What are the fees associated with remortgaging? Every company is going to have different fees for remortgaging, and you want to choose a company with the lowest fees. However, sometimes the fees can be hidden so make sure to read the contract thoroughly.

5. How much longer is your mortgage? If there isn't much time on your current mortgage, it might be best if you just worked on paying it off as quickly as possible. You will need to weigh the benefits paying off your home quickly or getting a better interest rate. Remortgaging is not usually going to speed up paying off your house, just make it less expensive.

6. Is a move in your future? If you plan on moving any time in the distant future, a remortgage is probably not the wisest of moves. Keep your current mortgage and get a better deal when you buy your next house.

7. Is your family life stable? Again, if your family life is going to change either by divorce or marriage in the next couple of years, you might want to hold of getting a new mortgage. Remortgaging costs a lot of money and takes a lot of paperwork. You don't want to do it more often than you have to.

8. How long has this been on your mind? People often see advertisements and get swept away with the notion of how great it would be to remortgage without realizing that it is a lot of work.

9. Is your schedule clear? Remortgaging is a headache and is going to eat away at your free time. If your schedule isn't clear, choose a different time to remortgage.

10. Have you talked to any banks? There isn't any harm in going and talking to some banks to see whether or not they think that you are a good candidate for remortgaging. If you decide that it isn't for you, there is no obligation to go on in the process.

Remortgaging your house is not a simple thing, and knowing when you should and shouldn't do it is going to be tricky. These ten questions can help you decide whether or not you need to remortgage.

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