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Sunday, November 30, 2008

?Mortgage Foreclosure Solutions: An Honest Guide

By Michael Geoffrey

Alright boys and girls you are staring foreclosure right in the face and now you need some practical mortgage foreclosure solutions to help you keep your happy home and make sure your lovely wife doesn't leave you for the mailman.

There are lots of nonsensical, dramatically emotionally ways to deal with foreclosure. For example, you could run screaming down the street. The grand majority of these style solutions, however, are not going to do anything to help you in any real way. In order to keep the bank's loan officers off of your back, you need a strategy that has been better thought out.

Let me just say that blowing up the bank, while assuring you national television coverage, is also not one of the effective or practical mortgage foreclosure solutions that you can turn to. Just when it seems like your options are limited here I come with some of the best advice you will ever get and I am going to give it to you for free. That's right! For free and you can thank me later!

From the list of effective and practical mortgage foreclosure solutions you can choose machine gun nests. What do you say? How can machine gun nests help as one of the mortgage foreclosure solutions? Well that is simple. When they come to serve you with eviction papers they will see the machine gun nests and think twice.

You never load the machine guns, heck you can even use fake machine guns if you want. But intimidation is the basis for fear and you can absolutely use fear as one of your mortgage foreclosure solutions that helps you to keep your home just a little bit longer before they send you off to county jail.

The Circus Is In Town!

If you have a big back yard, opening up a circus and using the proceeds you earn to pay off your mortgage is another great idea to go with. It is quite a surprise that more people do not use this method to avoid foreclosure. As long as your backyard is about the size of three football fields and you have access to a canvas tent that can house 5,000 guests and the members of a circus, this can work for you.

The next step is getting together the other things you will need for the circus. That means clowns, peanuts, popcorn, and elephants. Once you take care of that, the money will just start rolling in. This will require a bit of work, but it could be what saves you from losing your home. Opening a circus is a great idea because your neighbors are sure to love it and you will love the money you earn.

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